For a few months now (since my January 2013 blog post) we have been collecting compost and adding it to our awesome Jora composter.  Now that the weather has warmed up, things are starting to break down and we can look at expanding our collection to include the foods and nutrition department.

In the next two weeks we plan to invite several foods and nutrition classes to our room to view the following Clicker book and sorting activity.  It is our hope that we will be able to educate students so they know what can go into the compost and what cannot.

These are images of the first few pages of the Composting Clicker book.

The following are the first few pages of the Composting sorting activity.
Students can select a "Practice" option or a "Test" option.  In practice mode, incorrect responses cannot be selected; in test mode they can.  On the first page there are two categories to put images in.

Students then click on the title box "In the Compost" or "In the Garbage" and 6 pictures will appear (3 items that can be composted and 3 that cannot).  They then click on the image and it appears in the box below the title.  There are multiple activity pages, all with different pictures. When students are complete, you can print the set to document their level of understanding.

_This book and sorting activity can be found on the SET-BC website under The Learning Centre (curriculumSET) curriculum share.

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