Our SMART board finally arrived last week!  Better late than never :)

My administration pulled some strings to have our board installed right away (hooray for "Code Blue!") and we were able to use it the very next day for an exciting presentation by a former Valleyview Life Skills student.  While not directly related to our SET-BC project, it was pretty cool to see a former student come back to the class and be able to use technology that was not there when he attended to share information with current students. 

Here are a few pictures of Krystian Shaw delivering his presentation on the Access to Entertainment card to my class.  Krystian works with Easter Seals Canada to tell people about the Access program which allows support personnel to join their clients at venues at little or no cost. 
Staff and students are also very familiar with the clicker software now and within 2 days we were able to do an interactive daily journal on our SMART board.  Building this routine in to our day is allowing students to become more comfortable interacting with the SMART board and is paving the way for our presentations about recycling and composting.  Stay tuned for pictures and videos of our new morning routine!